Category Archives: Blog

Three Ways to Meet Nature’s Needs Without a Garden

Three Ways to Meet Nature’s Needs Without a Garden

Spending time in the garden is good for you. Whether you’re watering your plants or just relaxing on a lounger, there’s plenty range of benefits which are related to it. These include: improving health and well-being, reduced mental fatigue AND better sleep quality. Those who are involved in gardening also experience less stress AND more […]

‘Olympic slump’ is a common post-game ailment – here’s what it is and how athletes deal with it

‘Olympic slump’ is a common post-game ailment – here’s what it is and how athletes deal with it

Imagine hearing a crowd of roaring fans every time you appear. Thousands of flashes following your every move. Every moment of your life is dedicated to preparing for the huge moment: training, performances, media interviews and photo shoots. And then imagine going back to your daily life – getting used to the daily humdrum of […]

Can Coffee Improve Your Workout? The Science of Caffeine and Exercise

Can Coffee Improve Your Workout? The Science of Caffeine and Exercise

Caffeine is one of the most studied substances reported to lend a hand athletes perform better and train harder and longer. As a result, professional and amateur athletes often take it as an “ergogenic” performance enhancer in a wide range of activities. These include intermittent exercise such as football and racket sports, endurance exercise such […]

Health clubs utilize tanning beds to attract members despite cancer risk, recent study shows

Health clubs utilize tanning beds to attract members despite cancer risk, recent study shows

I was driving past Planet Fitness on my way to my 10-year-old son’s gym class and had to laugh when I saw their sign advertising free pizza as part of a new-member promotion. I decided to utilize it as a teaching moment, explaining to my daughter why we should avoid junk food as a reward […]

Stiff Muscles Are NBA Athletes’ Counterintuitive Superpower

Stiff Muscles Are NBA Athletes’ Counterintuitive Superpower

For most people, the term “stiffness” has negative connotations. When you wake up in the morning complaining of a “stiff back,” the remedy might be to take a heated shower, do some yoga, swallow some aspirin, or visit a physical therapist to loosen it up. Stiffness is usually perceived as unpleasant and can limit physical […]

ask yourself why you are doing this

ask yourself why you are doing this

It’s uncomplicated in December, when there’s a lot of chocolate wrappers and leftover Christmas pudding, to decide to change your life when January rolls around. It’s a whole different story when January rolls around, bringing more darkness, more rain, and possibly more feelings. bad mood. By now, it’s likely that any good intentions you had […]

Third death linked to Listeria, health officials say

Third death linked to Listeria, health officials say

A third person has died after eating food contaminated with the bacteria Listeria, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Thursday. The latest death is the result of a nationwide outbreak that began in May and was linked to deli-cut meats. Officials he also said that the number of people sickened after eating food […]

Veterans, lawmakers lobby for MDMA therapy approval

Veterans, lawmakers lobby for MDMA therapy approval

More than a half-century after federal regulators banned most psychedelic compounds, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is close to making a decision on a novel treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder that combines talk therapy with MDMA, the club drug commonly known as Ecstasy or Molly. The decision, expected in the coming days, has sparked […]

It’s not that bad, but now it has to be good

It’s not that bad, but now it has to be good

It’s almost too uncomplicated to criticize Facebook these days. Almost one third of Americans feel the country most popular social media platform is bad for society. As the company approaches its 15th birthday, Americans Assess Its Social Benefits How better than Marlboro cigarettesbut worse than McDonald’s. However, as digital scientist and their impact on society […]

How effective are domestic violence advertising campaigns in preventing violence against women?

How effective are domestic violence advertising campaigns in preventing violence against women?

Domestic violence is a sedate personal and social problem that attracts a lot of attention. After several recent macabre cases, media discussions, calls for a royal commission to end violence and public demonstrations, Australia says:quite, quite”. Domestic violence can be deadly and its effects can last for years. Yet domestic violence is one of the […]