Category Archives: Blog

You Don’t Need a Doctor to Become More Physically Lively – Here Are 10 Uncomplicated Steps You Can Do Yourself

You Don’t Need a Doctor to Become More Physically Lively – Here Are 10 Uncomplicated Steps You Can Do Yourself

We all know that physical activity has many benefits Health benefitsincluding for mental health. It helps to cope with stress, relieve joint or back pain and escalate energy levels. Exercise can also improve brain function, sleep, and mood. Inactivity or spending too much time sitting is a major factor in the development of many diseases. […]

Think being a NASCAR driver isn’t as physically demanding as other sports? Think again.

Think being a NASCAR driver isn’t as physically demanding as other sports? Think again.

Imagine an outdoor NBA game. In August. In Phoenix. Kick-off at 12:00 p.m. There are no breaks. There is no halftime break. There are no substitutions. And players have to wear snowsuits, gloves, and ski masks. It sounds witty, right? However, racing drivers regularly compete in similar conditions. The fans who attend will certainly appreciate […]

What Are Dead Hangs? What Are the Risks of Shoulder Pain and How Can I Do Them Safely?

What Are Dead Hangs? What Are the Risks of Shoulder Pain and How Can I Do Them Safely?

You may have seen articles in the media or fitness influencers online telling people to do “dead hangs,” which are hanging from a bar—usually with your feet off the floor. The goal is usually to improve upper-body strength and shoulder stability, or to stretch the muscles around your shoulders. But what does the science say? […]

The development of physical activity monitors does not lead to the development of physical activity – men, women, children and adults in developed countries move less

The development of physical activity monitors does not lead to the development of physical activity – men, women, children and adults in developed countries move less

Global sales of fitness trackers have grown from $14 billion in 2017 to more than $36 billion in 2020The meteoric success of these gadgets suggests that more people than ever are seeing value in tracking the number of steps they take, the floors they climb, the time they spend sitting and the calories they burn. […]

What are heart rate zones and how can you incorporate them into your exercise plan?

What are heart rate zones and how can you incorporate them into your exercise plan?

If you spend a lot of time exploring fitness content online, you may have come across the concept of heart rate zones. Heart rate zone training has become more popular in recent years, in part due to the boom in wearable technology, which, among other functions, allows people to easily track their heart rate. Heart […]

Some seniors are content to retire. Some will never do so.

Some seniors are content to retire. Some will never do so.

Beth Bergmans enjoyed working as a project manager at an online university based in Minnesota. “We provide opportunities for people to grow in life—that gave me a certain satisfaction,” she said. “And the people I work with are amazing.” Ms. Bergmans, 63, had planned to stay in her job for two years, until she qualified […]

As interest in raw milk grows, modern data sheds delicate on solemn Salmonella outbreak

As interest in raw milk grows, modern data sheds delicate on solemn Salmonella outbreak

When Jackie’s 9-year-old son came down with a low-grade fever in October, she dismissed it as a typical school bug. But his illness worsened over the next few days. “His skin tone looked gray,” she said, and his near-constant diarrhea left him unable to sleep and too delicate to stand. After two trips to the […]

Alcohol Marketing Has Crossed Borders and Entered the Metaverse – How to Regulate Recent Digital Risks?

Alcohol Marketing Has Crossed Borders and Entered the Metaverse – How to Regulate Recent Digital Risks?

Newly created by the World Health Organization published report on regulating the cross-border marketing of alcohol is causing concern in countries like Australia and Recent Zealand given their reticence in advertising alcohol. Alcohol is widely consumed in Australasia, but tensions remain over how far, if at all, the marketing of these products should be restricted. […]