The pandemic and the lockdowns promised disruption: disruptions in ways of working, mobility or ways of consuming, along with rapid and forced development click and collect and other to lead. Will e-commerce transformations be constant? Are supermarkets a dying model? Many were interested in customers, perhaps less so in employees of groups that were trying […]
Category Archives: Blog
International Brotherhood of Truck Drivers, UPS Talks on Novel Contract disbanded on July 5, 2023.The trade union and the forwarding and logistics company are blaming each other for the fallwhat happened a few weeks later 97% of UPS truck drivers vote to strike if the Teamsters and UPS do not reach an agreement by midnight […]
Cultivation of land within the city limits is on the rise As countries become more urbanized, people are trying to connect with the source of their food and improve its sustainability. But despite the productive potential of home vegetable gardens and the like, they are rarely studied as grave agricultural systems. There is little data, […]
Now that you have 61 per cent of Canadians have received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccineWe are on the path to herd immunity. Unfortunately, this trend may be threatened by vaccine disinformation, which has made some people hesitant to take the vaccine. Read more: COVID-19 vaccine opponents apply the same arguments as 135 […]
In recent years, the decreasing population of wild animals has motivated people to look for ways to protect and protect biodiversity in their neighborhood. And one such initiative that has gained importance is wildlife friendly gardeningUrban gardens create diverse habitats and protect biodiversity. Gardens on private property can constitute a significant part of the green […]
A pink glow illuminates the faces of enthusiastic students as they tend to plants in specially built growing boxes on space stations. These students are the first in Australia to experience It grows outside the Earth – a school-based citizen science program run by NASA and Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in the United States. In […]
Website traffic data typically looks like this: Ups and downs, peaks and troughs. If we do our job properly, we expect traffic to enhance over time, but it’s difficult to say whether there’s a peak or a dip to look out for in any given month. Did we do something huge and start a recent […]
Academic success is usually associated with the goals that students set. The higher and more practical the goals that a student wants to achieve, the more likely they are to achieve academic success. However, not every student can set a single goal. There is no one size fits all solution to achieving academic success. A […]
In recent months, many politicians supported connections ban social media for children under 16 in Australia. Currently, children under 13 are not allowed to apply social media. There is research to suggest that social media can be helpful for some youthful people, for example by connecting them with like-minded peers. That said, there are many […]
You do it! You practice, harvesting all those crops benefits of exercise that have been drummed into your head. So you pedal like hell or run like you’re running from a horde of zombies. You feel accomplished, on cloud nine, until… your stomach starts to turn. You might even feel dizzy. Your sense of accomplishment […]