Category Archives: Blog

Children infected with syphilis are part of a growing tragedy – one that could easily be prevented

Children infected with syphilis are part of a growing tragedy – one that could easily be prevented

Data just posted online shows a worrying enhance in cases of infectious syphilis among Australian women aged 15-44 (known as ‘childbearing age’) and a subsequent enhance in transmission from pregnant mother to child. This is called congenital syphilis. Congenital syphilis is easily prevented by timely testing and treatment of syphilis during pregnancy. Untreated congenital syphilis […]

Why can’t gyms open yet, but restaurants can?

Why can’t gyms open yet, but restaurants can?

Melbourne is emerging from lockdown again, but fitness fans may be wondering: why do gyms remain closed for another week while food and drink venues are allowed to open? It’s true that in most lockdowns around the world, gyms have often been among the last places to reopen. From an infection control perspective, the rationale […]

These at-home exercises can facilitate older adults strengthen their immune systems and overall health in the age of COVID-19

These at-home exercises can facilitate older adults strengthen their immune systems and overall health in the age of COVID-19

Older people, especially those over 65, have five times greater risk of hospitalization AND 90 times greater risk of death due to COVID-19 compared to younger adults. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 78% of the more than 114,000 deaths related to COVID-19 between May and August 2020 occurred. they were […]

Health in Midlife Is About More Than Waistline: Here’s Why

Health in Midlife Is About More Than Waistline: Here’s Why

You’re no longer in your 20s or 30s, and you know that regular health check-ups are vital. So you go to your GP. During your visit, they’ll measure your waist. They might also check your weight. They look concerned and recommend some lifestyle changes. GPs and healthcare professionals commonly measure waist circumference as an vital […]

The case against the ACCC forcing Google and Facebook to pay for news

The case against the ACCC forcing Google and Facebook to pay for news

Google and Facebook have threatened to restrict or remove news services for Australian users in response to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s draft news media bargaining code. This week on Facebook announced If the code comes into effect, the company will no longer allow publishers and users to share local and international news on […]

Pharmaceutical companies pay doctors more than A$11 million a year for travel and education. Here are the specialties that received the most

Pharmaceutical companies pay doctors more than A million a year for travel and education. Here are the specialties that received the most

Our research shows that pharmaceutical companies pay Australian doctors millions of dollars a year to fly to overseas conferences and meetings, lecture to other doctors and sit on advisory boards. Our team analyzed reports from major pharmaceutical companies, in the first comprehensive analysis of its kind. We found that pharmaceutical companies paid doctors more than […]

Drive-thrus, a shock for conventional supermarket workers

Drive-thrus, a shock for conventional supermarket workers

The pandemic and the lockdowns promised disruption: disruptions in ways of working, mobility or ways of consuming, along with rapid and forced development click and collect and other to lead. Will e-commerce transformations be constant? Are supermarkets a dying model? Many were interested in customers, perhaps less so in employees of groups that were trying […]