Category Archives: Blog

How to Give Sports a Chance to Children Who Are Afraid of Physical Education Lessons at School

How to Give Sports a Chance to Children Who Are Afraid of Physical Education Lessons at School

For some school-age children, PE is the best lesson of the week – a chance to get away from their desks, go outside and run with their friends. For others, it is often a painful experience – a time when they feel humiliated, embarrassed and may even experience physical pain. The research have shown that, […]

How coffee shops, bars, gyms, hairdressers and other ‘third places’ shape our social fabric

How coffee shops, bars, gyms, hairdressers and other ‘third places’ shape our social fabric

Social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic has meant many painful losses. Among them are the so-calledthird places“– restaurants, bars, gyms, houses of worship, hairdressers and other places we visit frequently that are neither work nor home. The third place is taken by the concept of sociology and urban planning, which recognizes the role these semi-public, […]

Depressing or inspiring for middle-aged women?

Depressing or inspiring for middle-aged women?

Now that the Super Bowl and the halftime show are behind us, let’s take a moment to reflect on what Jennifer Lopez and Shakira’s incredible performances mean for middle-aged women. Are J.Lo and Shakira, at ages 50 and 43 respectively, inspiring women to embrace, or are they setting the bar so high that average middle-aged […]

Paying people to exercise can be motivating, but the financial benefits don’t have to last forever to work

Paying people to exercise can be motivating, but the financial benefits don’t have to last forever to work

If exercise were in a bottle, it would be the most prescribed medicine. Just walk 10 minutes more a day to get Clinically significant results such as improved mental health, less pain and better sleep. It can also aid prevent and manage more than 100 chronic diseases such as cancer, arthritis and diabetes. Yet many […]

Prescription for Doctors: Listen to the Patient’s Story

Prescription for Doctors: Listen to the Patient’s Story

One gripping story in “Telltale Hearts,” his up-to-date autobiography, is about the author’s great-uncle, Aladar, a Hungarian Jew who was drafted to fight the Russians in 1916 and spent months in the trenches, shooting, being shot at, and waiting. Russian troops launched an offensive that fall that overwhelmed the Austro-Hungarians. At one point, Aladar found […]

It would be better to set the money on fire than to give it to a politician to spend on TV ads.

It would be better to set the money on fire than to give it to a politician to spend on TV ads.

Okay, you want to make this country a better place for yourself, your children, and many generations to come. So you donate to a political candidate who you believe will fight for a better country. But in reality, you’re wasting your money. Here’s why. Television has long been the golden goose of political advertising. It […]

How Jason Kelce Built His Personal Brand and Became a Philadelphia Legend

How Jason Kelce Built His Personal Brand and Became a Philadelphia Legend

Philadelphia icon and former Eagles star Jason Kelce has been making headlines ever since… announced his retirement from the NFL on March 4, 2024 Days after Kelce’s announcement, Campbell Soup unveiled its first Legends Chunky Edition could be a tribute to the former football center. A month later, Kelce surprised fans when entered the ring […]

Flink, Getir, Cajoo… “Shadow shops” and “fleet trade” are changing the shape of massive cities

Flink, Getir, Cajoo… “Shadow shops” and “fleet trade” are changing the shape of massive cities

129 billion euros. This is the amount that the so-called e-commerce sales in France. This is more than twice as much as in 2014 (EUR 57 billion). Online food has that first digit almost 20 billion euros. This mainly applies to food delivery or shopping in vast retail stores. The fleet delivery segment or even […]

Five Emerging Trends That Could Change Our Online Lives

Five Emerging Trends That Could Change Our Online Lives

The way we live online is changing rapidly. Artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality, and innovations like blockchain—a type of digital record of transactions—are poised to transform the online world, influencing everything from social media to how people and businesses monetize their creativity. If you’re confused by the pace of change, here’s what you need to […]