Get up at a scientific rally, sees a mixture of science, politics and anxiety

Get up at a scientific rally, sees a mixture of science, politics and anxiety

In Washington, many protesters refused to publicly share their names for similar reasons. One woman who wore a surgical mask and a long white laboratory coat with the words of “crazy scientist” on her back in a red letter, described only as a researcher financed by the federal “who tries to act in these hard times.” Her field was planetary science, hence her sign: “Good luck in Mars without science.”

Elsewhere, three adolescent women, all students, stood with a sign that sounds “science is apolitical.” One said: “I didn’t tell my parents that I am here” and everyone laughed. She added: “I should be home when conducting research. But I can’t because we can reject ourselves. It should not be political, but because they do it, we have no choice. “

The conversation lasted in the afternoon. Bill Nye, The Science Guy. Fred Upton, a former republican representative from Michigan. Representative Bill Foster, Democrat Illinois and the only doctorate. Physicist in Congress. (“This is not only a science that is attacked is facts,” he said outside the stage.) Dr. Allison AGWU, a specialist in infectious discedic at Johns Hopkins University. Denali Kincaid, PhD student in geochemistry and Tiktok Communicator. They reminded the audience (unnecessarily, lost) the value of scientific knowledge: making vaccines, thorough weather forecasts, agricultural breaks; For monitoring over 150 busy volcanic systems in the United States itself.

On the side of Mary Doyle, a retired public health researcher, regretted the depth and seemingly non -discriminatory nature of work and financing. The entire university faculties will “disappear because they are so dependent on federal financing,” she said. Her husband, Scott Nainis, an engineer, said: “We saw a sign that said:” Learning is best to do with scalpels and microscopes, not chain chains. “

They both participated in March 2017; This one seemed different. “It’s a darker mood,” said Mrs. Doyle.

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