Dr. Pimple Popper knows you can’t look away

Dr. Pimple Popper knows you can’t look away

Despite her celebrity, Dr. Lee still occupies clients (and films his program) in the doctors and SKIN surgeons, in the same place where she has been practicing for over 20 years. The office located east of Los Angeles, in her hometown, Upland in California, is located in an inconspicuous shopping center, right next to the 66 route. The one -story building can be mistaken for any suburban doctor’s office, except for logging, which states that “the house of Dr. Pimple Popper. “

Inside, a neon sign, in a shining blue exchange rate, requires “United Popaholic”. Returns such as “I have 99 problems, but the Ain’t One pimples” stick creative T -shirts that hang on sale. The staff of juvenile medical assistants is surrounded by Dr. Lee and browses photos of the patient’s nodule.

The office is in many respects the extension of Dr. Lee. He tends to emanate almost children’s enthusiasm. During the photo session that day she played with her medical tools, throwing lidocaine from the syringe and shooting liquid nitrogen from a canister usually used to remove the wart. Her descriptions of her success and work may seem almost unsophisticated for such an ambitious doctor and entrepreneur. She said that fame was “nippy and fun”. When it comes to being a doctor, he doesn’t think he is “nothing special”. She is “so ecstatic that pimples are apolitical.”

Nowadays, the issue of being Dr. Pimple Popper has moved mainly to his public work-program, skin care line, approval-what means Dr. Lee sees patients paying only once or twice a week, partly to maintain their skills in the program. “I can’t just enter and remove a giant lipom without doing anything in my life in recent months,” she said.

He practices in days, patients travel from afar and wide to see her. Despite all his fame, Dr. Lee is rather a standard dermatologist under his own reception. He specializes in surgery to remove skin cancer and cosmetic procedures such as botox, not complicated and mysterious skin conditions. But as her celebrity increases, the illusion that it can cure incurable.

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