benefits of marine lipids in the fight against cancer

benefits of marine lipids in the fight against cancer

The world’s oceans constitute a immense and largely untapped source of biological diversity, providing a high potential for the discovery of unique chemical compounds with therapeutic properties. Among them, bioactive molecules found in marine organisms have shown noticeable anti-cancer effects.

For example, cytarabinea chemotherapy drug used to treat certain types of leukemia, was inspired by compounds found in the Caribbean sponge Cryptotethya crypta. Similarly, miltefosinea lipid of marine origin, has proven useful in the treatment of skin metastases caused by breast cancer.

The marine environment is a major source of lipids (commonly called “fats”) anti-cancer properties. These marine lipids can be used in two complementary ways. The first is nutrition, especially through intake. The second is based on the development of lipid-based anticancer agents whose molecular structures are derived from or inspired by the marine environment.

Targeting cancer cells and tumor environments

In both of these approaches, marine lipids are used to selectively target tumor cell components or the tumor microenvironment. This applies to both the patient’s overall health and the cancer itself. It prevents or inhibits cancer growth, sensitizes cancer cells to anticancer treatment, e.g chemotherapy, radiotherapy AND immunotherapyand reduce cancer-related malnutrition.

Dietary factors may therefore influence cancer development by stimulating or inhibiting tumor progression. Reducing the consumption of foods containing cancer-promoting ingredients while increasing the consumption of foods with proven anti-cancer effects may delay the onset of various types of cancer.

Sea-sourced sources of omega-3 fatty acids

Marine lipids include omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in vast amounts in oily fish such as sardines, mackerel and herring. They also include ether lipids, present in marine sources such as shark liver oil and scallops.

These different types of lipids – polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in phospholipids and ether lipids – are vital components of cell membranes, especially in cancer cells. In tumor environments, these lipids and their derivatives may also modulate signaling pathways involved in tumor development.

In the Inserm-University of Tours research laboratory “Nutrition, Growth and Cancer”, we study the influence of lipids on cancer at the molecular and cellular level. Our research focuses on how lipids influence processes such as cancer cell growth, proliferation, migration and invasion, as well as the response to treatment of cancer cells.

Anticancer effects of fatty acids in breast cancer, prostate cancer and leukemia

In recent years, a number of marine-derived lipids and lipid classes have been identified as having both anti-cancer and pro-cancer properties. These lipids integrate into cell membranes, where they target specific proteins (ion channels), influencing the behavior of cancer cells.

Of these lipids, omega-3 fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are associated with: less aggressive prostate cancer. In particular, the EPA is putting the brakes on a complex mechanism involving the SK3 channelrelated, among others, to the migration of cancer cells and the aggressiveness of the tumor as well as the formation of metastases.

Similarly, low levels of EPA and another omega-3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are associated with severe forms of breast cancer, including multifocal breast cancer (characterized by numerous tumors in the same breast), inflammatory breast cancer AND premenopausal breast cancer with bone metastases.

Research conducted by our teams as well demonstrated therapeutic potential of omega-3 DHA and EPA in the treatment of leukemia. Clinical trials have confirmed that these fatty acids can be safely administered to patients with newly diagnosed high-risk leukemia. without compromising the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

Additionally, animal research suggest that omega-3 fatty acids may delay cancer-induced malnutrition. These studies need to be confirmed in humans.

In these various cancers, the presence of marine lipids, such as omega-3 EPA and DHA, have been associated with less aggressive forms of cancer. These lipids are believed to have anti-cancer effects.

Future Directions: Omega-3 Supplementation in Combination with Medical Treatment?

The molecular effects of omega-3 fatty acids in cancer therapy remain understudied, but early research on dietary supplements for cancer prevention has shown promising results. For example, a study conducted by our team at the research laboratory of the University of Tours showed that combining omega-3 DHA supplements with chemotherapy improves survival outcomes for patients with metastatic breast cancer.

Our research has shown that in addition to omega-3 fatty acids identified two endogenous classes of lipids – alkyl and alkenyl lipids (collectively called plasmalogens) – which appear to be more common in cancer cells than in non-cancerous tissues. These lipids are found in cell membranes near the SK3 channel, a protein that, as mentioned earlier, is associated with cancer cell migration.

Our recent findings shed lithe on this issue distinct roles of these endogenous lipid classes. Alkenyl lipids have been found to reduce the aggressiveness of cancer cells by inhibiting the SK3 channel. In contrast, alkyl lipids had the opposite effect, activating the SK3 channel and promoting cancer cell migration.

These findings open fresh avenues of research targeting cancer cells, which display higher levels of both endogenous lipids compared to fit tissues.

Increasing levels of alkenyl lipids, which are known to reduce the aggressiveness of cancer cells, is a promising strategy. These marine lipids could be produced synthetically as future ingredients for anticancer drugs.

One such example is Ohmline, a synthetic ether lipid derivative strong therapeutic potential. Ohmline, recently introduced to the market by Lifesome Therapeutics, has been shown to reduce the activity of the SK3 channel, thereby inhibiting the development of metastases and reprogramming monoclonal cells. antibody response.

Therefore, this lipid derivative is being evaluated as an adjuvant in chemotherapy prevention With neuropathya common and debilitating side effect some cancer treatments.

Increasing the potential of marine products

Marine products offer a wide range of applications, from serving as models for drug discovery to providing creative cancer treatments.

The anti-cancer potential of marine-derived compounds has been demonstrated in numerous studies, including our research within the project Marine particles, metabolism and cancer in Cancéropôle Grand-Ouest network. These findings highlight the potential of bioactive molecules from the marine environment in developing preventive and therapeutic anticancer strategies.

We already have encouraging data on cancer prevention using different families of marine or synthetic lipids that could be proposed as sensitizers for chemotherapy, radiotherapy and therapeutic antibodies.

This article is based on research conducted by the Niche Nutrition Cancer & Oxidative Metabolism (N2COx) team at the University of Tours.

This article is part of the Science Festival (October 4–14, 2024), partnered by The Conversation France. This year’s theme “Ocean of Knowledge” highlights critical maritime issues. More about the festival on the website

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