Bees and butterflies are threatened by urbanization – here’s how city dwellers can support

Bees and butterflies are threatened by urbanization – here’s how city dwellers can support

Pollinators such as bees, hoverflies and butterflies are responsible for reproduction many flowering plants and support in production more than three quarters crop species in the world. Globally, the value of services provided by pollinators is estimated at between 235 and 577 billion US dollars.

It is alarming that pollinators are at risk from factors such as more intensive agriculture, climate change, disease, and changing land apply such as urbanization. However, recent studies suggest that urban areas can actually be beneficialat least for some pollinators, as the number of bee species increases were recorded in UK cities, compared with neighbouring agricultural areas.

To find out which parts of cities are better for bees and other pollinators, Our research team conducted fieldwork on nine different land types in four UK cities: Bristol, Reading, Leeds and Edinburgh.

Uncomplicated win

Urban areas are a complicated mosaic of different land uses and habitats. We conducted pollinator surveys in allotments (also known as community gardens), cemeteries and churchyards, residential gardens, public parks, other green spaces (such as sports fields), nature reserves, roadsides, pavements and artificial surfaces such as car parks or industrial areas.

Perfect for pollinators.

Our the results suggest that allotments are good places for bees and other pollinators, and creating more allotments will benefit pollinators in cities. Allotments are beneficial to human health and well-beingand support escalate local food production.

Many areas in the UK have waiting lists for allotments, so local authorities and planners need to recognise that creating more allotments is a win-win situation for people, pollinators and sustainable food production.

Good advice for green thumbs

We also found a lot of pollinators in gardens. Home gardens made up between a quarter and a third of the total area of ​​the four cities we studied, so they really are a key habitat for bees and other pollinators in cities. That’s why city planners and developers need to create fresh housing estates with gardens.

But it’s not just the quantity of gardens that matters, but also their quality. Residents can do a lot to ensure their gardens are a good environment for pollinators.

Instead of paving, patios, and neatly mowing lawns, gardeners should plant flowers, shrubs, and bushes that are good for pollinators. Choose plants that have plenty of pollen and nectar that pollinators can access, and try to have flowers appear year-round to provide a constant food source. Our research suggests that borage and lavender are particularly attractive to pollinators.

What a cheerful bee.

Often plants and seeds in garden centres are marked with pollinator logos to support gardeners choose the right varieties – although last examination found that ornamental plants available for sale may contain pesticides that are harmful to pollinators, so gardeners should check with retailers before purchasing.

Weeds are also significant; our results suggest that dandelions, buttercups, and blackberries are significant flowers for pollinators. So create more space for pollinators, mowing less often to allow flowers to grow and leave areas overgrown with weeds, as undisturbed areas provide good nesting sites.

Urban asylum

Parks, roadsides and other green spaces make up about a third of cities, but our study found that they host significantly fewer pollinators than gardens. Our results suggest that increasing the number of flowers in these areas, potentially by mowing less often, could have real benefits for pollinators (and save money). There are already several initiatives in progress to encourage local authorities to mow less often.

Roundhay Park in Leeds: not a single flower.

Ensuring robust pollinator populations will benefit native plants and ecosystems in urban areas, as well as anyone who grows food in their garden or allotment. Cities can be significant havens for pollinators in the wider landscape, especially since agricultural areas can be restricted in the habitat they provide.

It is significant that local authorities, city planners, gardeners and land managers do their part to improve the way cities manage for pollinators. National Pollinator Strategies they already exist in several countries and local pollinator strategies and action plans support unite key stakeholders in cities. Broader adoption of this type of unified approach will support improve cities for both the people and pollinators that live there.

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